Hunger strike of 3 days in solidarity with the Soviet Prisoners of Zion.
May 1971, Duesseldorf, West Germany. The building in the background is the synagogue of Duesseldorf were the hunger strike took place.
From left to right, first row: Elisabeth Berkes, Joel Berger, Daniel „Tutti“ Izchak Katz,
Jossi Reich; second row: Ari Rosenblatt, Dalia Reich, Esther Auerbach, Jossi Borenstein, Dubbi Schkolnik, Heinz Szeinwald; there was one more participant in this hunger strike, Peter Rimoczi, who isn't seen behind the extreme right poster.

Photo was published in the book DAS JAHR IM BILD [Images of the year] - 1971, CARLSEN VERLAG, Germany, page 57, and presented to the Remember and Save Association by Daniel “Tutti” Itzhak Katz.
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