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Dear friends, visitors to our site!
The Editorial board of the Remember and Save Association website is pleased to inform you that we have had the wonderful possibility of adding a new and quite important section to our existing site. In this section you will find a link to a special website which contains a Database of our Archive consisting of the Jewish movement participants’ personal archives which we succeeded to collect. Here is the link: http://www.refuseniks.ejwiki.info/index.php
After you click on the link by the left mouse button you will see on the display a main page of the site in English with a text of manual on the usage of the Database. We recommend you to read the manual thoroughly (it is not too long) – it will help you to work with the database more easily. To work with the database you should close the manual clicking on the word Close in the upper left corner of the manual window. To open the manual again you should click on the words Help with this page in the upper left corner of the window.
Besides the link to the Database site you will find in this section tables which contain location of the collected personal archives in the archive boxes according to types of documents. These tables will be useful for visitors of our site who want to use our Archive and the Database for searching documents of interest.
We would like to remind our site visitors that the Archive of the Remember and Save Association is kept in the Central Archive of History of the Jewish People (CAHJP) in Jerusalem. The Association’s archive consists of the following five types of documents: text documents; periodical publications; audio records; video records; photos. A part of video records exists on original video cassettes, kept in the corresponding boxes, and there are digital copies of all video records as files on the external hard disk which is a part of the Association’s archive. In the same way part of the photos exists in the original printed form, kept in the corresponding boxes, and there are digital copies of all photos on the same external hard disk).
Database of the Association’s archive is a source of information for those site visitors, who seek to obtain a copy of a specific document kept in the archive, or want to look for the original document, A final goal for any site visitor, who searches our archive with the help of the Database, should be a number (index) of a Box where sought for document is located, and its number (signature).
Information about number (index) of a Box contains in the field Location which exists in all Database tables.
Information about number (signature) of a specific document contains in the field Item number which exists in all Database tables, except the table of video records where equivalent of the Item number field is a field Item number (Videocassete number).
Requests for documents should be addressed to an Archives’ employee who will be your contact person. He/she will find documents requested, will make copies and send them to you (for a modest payment). If you plan to visit the Archives, beforehand (2-3 days) you should order delivery of the needed documents or the indicated box (if you want to look through all documents located in a specific box) from the Archives repository to the reading hall in the Archive office.
To order documentation, you have to fill out a special form which can be found at the CAHJP website (http://cahjp.huji.ac.il/content/forms) and send the form to CAHJP@nli.org.il.
Below is contact information for communication with the Archives:
The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People Jerusalem (CAHJP) The Central Archives located at the Giv'at Ram Campus of Hebrew University Location in the Campus: High Tech Village, 3/4 (see map: http://www.huji.ac.il/huji/maps/givatramCampus.htm) Entry by car is possible only for holders of permits from the University. Public transportation: Egged bus No. 68 from the Central Bus Station Direction Givat Ram, last bus stop – Kfar High-Tech. The Archives are open Sundays through Thursday from 8:15 till 15:15 Our Postal Address is: P.O.Box 39077, Jerusalem 91390 Email address CAHJP@nli.org.il Archive secretary Beatris Kramer, tel. 972-2-6586249 fax 972-2-6535426 Benyamin Lukin – Supervisor of the East European Department