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Michael Sherbourne is 95!
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by Lisa Paul
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At February 23, 2012 Michael Sherbourne is 95!

Michael Sherbourne
Photo was made in 2010 in the kibbutz Neve Item

Dear Michael,


There is no way to overestimate the role you have played in our lives, in the fight for our freedom, and no words to adequately express our feelings of gratitude and appreciation for what you have accomplished.

For some of us, who were lucky to get out of the Soviet claws early, you became a faithful comrade-in-arms in the struggle for the freedom of those we left behind. For others, who were trapped in the Soviet Union for long and dreadful years, you became an unfailing life-line, the only human voice from the Free World with whom we could communicate in Russian knowing that every message of ours would be delivered to its destination, every request remembered and fulfilled. Your sense of humor helped to keep our spirits up, while your optimism imbued us with hope and stamina. And nobody among the Jewish activists in the West could know and understand the situation and the needs of the “refuseniks” better than the Russian-speaking Londoner who coined this term and made it a part of life for thousands of Jews world-wide.

And for all of us you became a life-long friend, although in many cases this hectic life makes it hard to be regularly in touch. Just knowing that somewhere in London Michael sits in front of his computer and continues to fight for the betterment of this world, for decency, honesty and goodness, causes joy and makes us proud of knowing you and being able to count among your friends.

Many of those whom you helped to obtain their freedom are no longer with us. But in the name of those who are, we are sending to you our congratulations and best wishes for your 95th birthday. What a noble age, especially when all those years have been filled with countless good deeds always resulting from a noble and brave stand dictated by an independent and courageous mind. We wish you to remain in good health and to continue your active work for years to come.

Your loving friends:

Marta and Pasha Abramovich,
Baruch and Miriam Ainbinder,
Luba Bar-Menahem,
Dina and Iosi Beilin,
Roza and Alexander Ioffe,
Ludmila and Edward Markov,
Vladimir Prestin,
Gish Robbins,
Dan Roginsky,
Avital and Natan Sharansky,
Eleonora Shifrin,
Ida and Aba Taratuta,
Enid and Stuart Wurtman,
Galina and Roald Zelichonok.

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