In Memoriam

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Eduard Markov
Roald Zelichenok
Aba Taratuta
Nadia Fradkova
has passed away
In memory of
Shirley Goldstein
In memory of
Martin Gilbert
In memory of
Michael Sherbourne
In memory of
Yuli Kosharovsky
By Laura Bialis
In memory of
Jacob Birnbaum
Death of Joe Smukler,
a Soviet Jewry Activist
Stuart Wurtman
passed away
In memory
of Micah Naftalin
In memory
of Si Frumkin
In memory
of Evgeny Abeshaus
About Yuri Shtern

Nadia Fradkova
has passed away

At June 18, 2018 our Assosiation received a following letter from Glenn Richter:


Enid Wurtman informs us that former refusenik and prisoner of Zion Nadia Fradkova has passed away.

The Jewish Women's Archive provides the short bio below.

Glenn Richter

* * *

Nadia Fradkova's parents divorced when she was very young. She lived with her mother in a small town near Moscow. Although her mother was Russian, Nadia was considered a Jew because her father was Jewish. She did not know what the word Jew meant until she was taunted at school by the other children.

At the time her mother was able to comfort her, but as she grew older, she found it more and more difficult to deal with the antisemitism she seemed to encounter at every turn. Yet when she decided to emigrate, she discovered she could not leave the country without her parents' consent and neither was willing to give permission. Without their permission, she could not even apply for an exit visa.

Her insistence on emigrating led to hunger strikes and long stays in a labor camp and a psychiatric hospital. She was unable to leave the country until the Soviet Union collapsed and restrictions on emigration ended. She settled in Israel for a few years and then made her way to the Boston area.

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